It Can Only Be Love

Real Hotels Group opens doors to romance and creates dinners with exclusive menus to celebrate Valentine’s Day.

Whether in Lisbon, Cascais, Albufeira or Olhão, the Real Hotels Group has prepared a set of romantic experiences for the most passionate day of the year, which include dinners with exclusive menus that awaken all the senses, live music and or even a raffle of two nights in one of the group’s hotels.

We highlight the options for Lisbon and Cascais

Real Palácio Hotel
In the Real Palácio Hotel, in Lisbon, the Valentine’s Day is just another pretext to live experiences that break routines and surprise the one we love the most during a refined dinner. The Real Palácio Hotel is a palace, located in Avenidas Novas, the result of the perfect synergy between classic and contemporary environment, which results from the recovery of the old Guedes Quinhones Palace.

Grande Real Villa Itália Hotel & Spa
It is in Cascais, at the Grande Real Villa Itália Hotel & Spa, that the Valentine’s Day dinner can be enjoyed with live music and a stunning sea view, in what was one of the former homes of the King of Italy – Humberto II. The perfect refuge for a dinner for two that will make you travel back in time.